About the Paper Tablet App

The Livescribe Paper Tablet enables your Echo smartpen to work as an input device on your computer. Similar to a graphics tablet, the Paper Tablet lets you use your Echo smartpen as a mouse and turns your Livescribe Dot notebooks into an extension of your computer screen.

You connect your smartpen to your computer using its micro-USB cable and use it like a stylus on Livescribe Dot Paper. Use the Paper Tablet to mark up slides, presentations, PDFs, documents and spreadsheets, quickly and easily.

When you hover the tip of your smartpen over a notebook page, you can control your computer’s cursor on screen. You can also tap to click and drag to draw, and write or draw within apps that support graphics tablet interfaces, such as Microsoft PowerPoint.

Although the Paper Tablet functions much like a graphics tablet, it does not provide features like pressure-sensitivity and assignable stylus buttons. Also, if you have a dual monitor system, the Paper Tablet controls the cursor on the primary monitor only.

Typical users of Paper Tablet include: